Belpre City School District Cell Phone Policy

2024 - 2025

The Ohio Legislature signed a new law in May 2024 that required all Ohio school districts to review its cell phone policy and to consider enacting a ban on student cell phone use during the school day. Belpre High School has, for many years, had a policy that prohibited student cell phone use during the school day which has not always been enforced. During its June 27, 2024 meeting, the Belpre City School Board conducted a first reading of a policy that would reiterate and enforce a complete ban of student cell phone use from the moment students arrive on campus until the end of the school day.

You can read a copy of the draft policy by clicking here. This draft would require the students to keep their phone in their locker. However, during its discussion, the Board has asked the administrative team to look into securing Yondr pouches for students to use in lieu of keeping them in their lockers. You can learn more about a Yondr pouch by clicking here.

The Belpre City School Board will reconvene on July 18, 2024 to finalize the policy. Belpre residents are encouraged to submit any feedback prior to that date for the Board to consider and can access the link to the form by clicking here.