Huge shoutout to our girls basketball team for taking us on a memorable ride this season! While last night didn't turn out our way we wanted, now we can reflect on the success and the growth they had. The girls battled all season and kept learning and improving all the way to our second ever district championship! We are so proud of each and every one of these girls and the coaching staff that helped put them in position! Ladies we can't wait to see where the future takes you and we're anxiously awaiting next year's ride with so many returning players! And to Haley and Larissa, you guys were awesome over the years! You will be missed! Keep working this off-season ladies and even better things await! Let's go Eagles! Onward and upward! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride #BTown
28 days ago, Jason Varner
Literacy Spirit Week is next week!
28 days ago, Suzy Schofield
Belpre Safetytown Registration is now open. Be sure to register today!
28 days ago, Robin White
safety town
Show your support as the Belpre Golden Eagles head to the SWEET 16! The team will depart from BHS today at 3:15 and they will be escorted out of town by Belpre PD. We’d love to see Washington Boulevard packed with fans to show their support of this great group of athletes and coaches! Then head to Pickerington North HS at 6pm to catch the game. Let’s go Eagles! 🦅🏀
29 days ago, Haley Bonar
Sweet 16
Important reminders: March 6 Early Release, Parent-Teacher Conferences March 7 No School, Teacher Records Day
about 1 month ago, Erica Wright
BMS/BHS conferences
BE conferences
Let's get our Lady Eagles and Mr Schaad's back!!! Go Eagles!!! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride #TrueToBHS #BTown
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
Belpre 7th and 8th graders were thrilled to welcome Artsbridge and the Childrens' Theatre of Cincinnati for a presentation of "Harriet Tubman: Straight Up Outta the Underground." We thoroughly enjoyed this performance celebrating the history of a great American!
about 1 month ago, Erica Wright
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman
Jr high softball sign up must be completed through the Belpre Rec league. In person sign ups will be In person signup are march 1 &2 1-3 pm at belpre Burger King lobby Or use the on line sign up below.
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
The Belpre Performing Arts Boosters provide so much support for our performance groups. On Tuesday, grab dinner at Chipotle and a percentage goes back to the Boosters. See the flyer for details!
about 1 month ago, Robin White
Help support our Lady Eagles as they battle in the Sweet sixteen. Orders have to be placed by Monday to get shirts back by Thursday (game day!) The girls names will be on the back!
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
Congratulations to our Lady Eagles for coming through with a huge 43-35 victory over White Oak to capture our first district championship since 1997! After falling behind early the girls never gave up and fought their way all the way back in the 4th quarter. Truly a team win in a crazy environment! So many girls stepped up when it counted! We are so proud of these ladies and coaches for everything that they have far! We aren't finished yet as we travel to Pickerington to face a familiar foe in Fort Frye in the Sweet 16 on Thursday evening At Pickerington North High School. Again, great job Lady Eagles...we are incredibly proud! Let's goooo!!! #BelprePride #FlyEaglesFly #TrueToBHS #BTown
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
Huge shoutout to our 3 girls being selected to the All TVC team! Congratulations to Haley Alloway, Julia Way, and Gracie Bills! Awesome job ladies! We're all proud of you! Sky's the limit! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride #TrueToBHS
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
Tonight our Belpre Boys Basketball team starts their postseason run with a home game vs Rock Hill! Tip-off is slated for 7pm on Joe Garrett Court. Tickets can be purchased in advance at just type Belpre in the search box. Tickets will also be available at the door. Be sure and get out to support the fellas tonight and let them know the community is behind them! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride #TrueToBHS
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
The Vision Van will be on campus next Thursday, February 27th to pick up glasses.
about 1 month ago, Robin White
Vision Van
Due to road conditions, Belpre City Schools will operate on a two-hour delay on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Belpre City Schools
We are thankful for our Belpre Wendy's and their willingness to help our school groups! Come warm up with the BHS Student Council on Thursday from 4:00-8:00.
about 1 month ago, Robin White
Attention all juniors & families! The ACT is next Tuesday, February 25th. All juniors will report to Belpre High School for the ACT at 8:30 AM. Testing will conclude at about 12:30 PM. Students are already registered and only need to bring themselves (and their fully charged, school-issued Chromebook if they have one)!
about 1 month ago, Jen Miller
ACT Feb 25th post
Come cheer our Lady Eagles on tonight as they take on Dawson-Bryant in district semifinal action! Get your tickets at and type Belpre in the search bar. Come out and support the girls and let them know we're behind them! Let go!!! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride #TrueToBHS
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
Next Monday , February 24, let Applebees and the Belpre Baseball Team get you dinner! Come out and support the fellas! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner
Attention...Belpre Jr High School is in need of a softball coach! We have several girls that are interested and ready to play...we just need someone to coach and guide them. If you're interested, please contact varsity coach Steve Welch at (740)236-0234 or Athletic Director Jason Varner at Belpre High School. Let's help the future of Belpre Softball!! #FlyEaglesFly #BelprePride
about 1 month ago, Jason Varner